Embrace Your Inconveniences

Sometimes I can't sleep. I go through random bouts of insomnia; sometimes for no reason, but more often than not, it is stress related. For the longest time, I would just lay awake and, to be honest, cry about how I couldn't sleep. I tried everything I could think of to get myself to sleep, to no avail.

Just recently, I went through a week long spell in which I got roughly 20 hours of sleep over the 7 day period. The first night was spent the same way it always was- tossing and turning, cursing whatever was keeping me from dreaming. Then I came to the conclusion that if I wasn't going to be sleeping, I should be doing something productive with my time. I caught up on reading, wrote, organized my closet, rediscovered albums in my library that I hadn't listened to in years. I was still exhausted during the day, but had a strange sense of accomplishment. I had done the things I had wanted to, but couldn't find time to do during daylight.

Life throws you inconveniences. There is no way of avoiding them. It is all in how you deal with what is given to you. I believe, with evidence, that it is in our nature to sidestep the messes we are dealt, as opposed to facing them head on. Why spend time trying to clean up something we have no control over? However, giving these problems the brush off generally only makes them bigger, or brings on new, different things we have to deal with. We often chalk these situations up to fate and do the bare minimum required to stave off potential disasters; hold our breath until the next problem surfaces. But, the more we accept these inconveniences as fate, the less we try to fix them.

Conversely, as these things happen, they will always seem like the worst thing at the worst time. Obviously, this can't possibly be true. We make situations worse by putting more energy into them- and usually not the right kind. There are things that require our attention, but is it really worth it to spend a half hour of your day- or more, for some- reliving the problem? I know I'm guilty of this (though not as guilty as a lot of people I know), and that some days you just need to vent. But, when does venting stop being therapy and begin being wasted energy? Why do we feel the need to drag others into our problems? Chances are, they are dealing with their own.

I don't want embracing to be misconstrued as simple optimism- that's not what I'm saying (those who know me, know I'm no optimist). I just mean that sometimes life's detours can lead you through some beautiful scenery, or change the destination altogether. It's up to you whether you choose to see it. Do I think that every change is for the best? No. Do I think that changes come when you least expect them? Sometimes. Sometimes the change comes when you need it most, and didn't know you did. Embrace it.