I wonder how people find songwriting partners. I wonder, because I want one. I want a clever and talented person who knows his way around a guitar or piano. Yes, ‘his’ way. I love the male perspective; especially those with a sensitive or interesting take on situations where women would have a totally different point of view. I love being surprised by the lyrics men can come up with.
I want to find someone I am comfortable enough to test lyrics and notes on. To not be embarrassed if he looks at me like I’m nuts, and who will suggest something new or add a chord and change the song completely. I can’t do these things on my own.
This idea comes out of listening to a new, great song on repeat all day - All We'd Ever Need - by Lady Antebellum. This is the first song they wrote as a group. I'm not naive enough to think that kind of chemistry is easy to come by, but I have to think that a little help would only mean better songs, better words, more emotion...
So I’m putting the call out there now. Looking for a songwriting partner. Must be pro-country and non-creepy.
The Kind of Help I Want...
Published on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 1 lonely but appreciated comment »
I'm pretty much stuck in the same place. I usually get inspired and write down blocs of lyrics but when I try to set it to a tune (most people work the other way around, unfortunately I don't) it always ends up sounding flat or one dimensional. Thing is, how do you find someone you can trust so thoroughly?