Can You Stand The Rain

No, the title isn't a reference to living in Vancouver. (Although...)

I was searching for something on my computer today and found an MP3 of a song I had completely forgotten I had. Can You Stand The Rain by Boys II Men. A Capella cover of a New Edition song. So good it literally brought tears to my eyes. (I'm a dork). But not because it's sad or anything, it's just musically THAT good.

Rich 4 part harmony that only Boys II Men can do like this. So many good parts that give me goosebumps.

Those who know me know that finding things I'd forgotten about is one of my life's greatest joys. (Eg: making tea, leaving it to cool, remembering it just as it is the perfect temperature to drink; finding chocolate you forgot you had bought; getting home to find there is enough wine in the bottle in the fridge for one glass after a long day; etc.)

Finding this song was a pleasant surprise. And now it's been on repeat all day. Fave phrase "It's kinda cold but I know, I know I'll be right there." Oh, Wanye, you amaze me.

*Note: Yes, I can tell their voices apart.

**Further note: Fun fact is that the very first cassette tape I ever bought was Boys II Men's album, II, which I still have, and pull out from time to time to listen to.