A-Z (well, W)

As you have probably guessed from previous posts, I have an intense connection to my CD collection (I say connection instead of obsession...it just sounds nicer. And it's probably more accurate). Today, as I was slipping some albums back into their rightful places after swapping out some of the albums in my car with new ones (this happens about once every two weeks), I decided to do something fun.

Recently, I haven't found any new music I've felt like buying. Nothing has really spoken to me lately, and so I've been listening to the standbys (those being, Continuum, Little Voice, Everything She Was, Carencro, Chasing Mississippi, et. al.) instead of buying new albums. I spent a half hour in HMV yesterday looking for something - anything - new to listen to, but nothing grabbed me. I came home empty handed. I honestly cannot tell you the last time I left a record store without buying something. It just doesn't happen. Which explains why I have 400 albums (give or take) sitting on the shelf next to me.

So I decided that I need to reconnect with the music I already have. Instead of searching for something new, I should search for gems (albums, songs, lyrics) among my existing collection. The problem with this is that I always seem to gravitate towards the same albums or artists. The failsafes.

So how do I propose to remedy this? Funny you should ask!

I'm going to listen to my entire collection in alphabetical order. Aaliyah (she's playing now!) to Hank Williams. Every genre, every artist, every song. I will skip nothing. Of course, I'll listen to other stuff in this time period. For instance, at work, I'll listen to myTunes on my laptop, obviously, and deviate from the plan, but I'm allowing myself that. It's when I'm at home that I'll stick to listening to my albums this way.

It'll be fun. This will take me weeks of time. I am excited about this.

And really, that's what I've been searching for these past few weeks; something to get me excited about music again.