More Warranted Bragging on Broussard

Saw Marc Broussard in concert this weekend.

Lost amid a sea of bobbing heads, hands thrown in the air, sporadic "woo!"s and lots and lots of funk. Pure, unadulterated, dirty funk.

Hands down, funkiest white man ever. No argument. Not open to discussion.

The one complaint, if you can even call it that, was that he didn't do many songs off the new record. But the ones he chose to perform, he performed. He sang and played the hell out of them. The Beauty of Who You Are was about 5 mins of me with goose bumps. He doesn't oversing, and when he does, it still sounds fucking good.

He sings his songs, and he loves it. He has fun. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, I love more than going to a show and seeing the performers having a good time. I don't care if you do this every second night all year long, it should be fun. He joked with the band and laughed and applauded good guitar solos. He elbowed his guitar player when he messed up a background lyric. Amazing. That's what I love.

Marc Broussard, in my books, can do little to no wrong. He just rocketed himself to at least a spot in my top 3 artists of all time. That's a pretty high standard.

Also, opening act Josh Hoge blew my freaking mind. Pure vocal skill. Nothing more to say.