Fish Don't Swim on the Internet

My friend has been trying to convince me to join an online dating site. She met a few guys online, one who she really liked, and thought it might be a good way for me to meet someone. "You never know," she said.

I'm not going to do it.

But, I have been thinking: what would I say if I did join? What would my "profile" be? So I started going through ways I'd describe myself. If I were to go on one of these sites (I'm not) I would not want a boring, generic "profile". I would want tot be truthful and detailed, without telling my llife story to everyone who clicked on my name.

So I am writing what my personal ad would say. If I had one. Which I don't.

- I don't think it's too much to ask that a man has a decent job and doesn't live with his parents.
- I am allergic to cats. Also, I don't like them.
- I like dogs, but not little yappy ones, not ones that jump on me, and not mean ones.
- I don't ski or snowboard. No, I don't want to learn.
- I think music is the purest and most effective form of communication.
- I am sarcastic and cynical. But in a good way, I think.
- I think Harleys are obnoxious.
- I watch television. I don't know when that became a bad thing.
- I have a job I enjoy but don't love, but I know it will somehow lead me to my passion.
- My friends are almost as important to me as my family. Almost.
- I can slip a Friends quote, song lyric, or sports analogy into almost any conversation.
- I would rather listen to music and/or play guitar all day than do anything else.
- I have been to more concerts and shows than I can count, in almost every genre you can think of.
- I live for a summer road trip. I make playlists for different parts of the drive.
- I moved to Vancouver for a stupid reason, but found a place to start my career.
- I don't think Vancouver is as incredible as people seem to think. It is great, but there are a few things about Vancouver I can't stand.
- Few things piss me off more than people who talk about things they know nothing about.
- I don't know what I'm looking for. I only hope I can recognize it when it comes to me.

Looking at this list, it is probably too specific and honest for its hypothetical purpose. Which is why an online dating service isn't for me. When you put me down on paper, it seems to be too intense and too much to handle all at once. But when I can leak bits of information to someone gradually and as they come up in regular conversation, the effect is a little different.

And isn't that the way it's supposed to go? I don't want to start dating someone on date #5.