Don't Hold Your Love Over My Head

Come Back to Bed.

Simple title. Simple concept. Something we've probably all said at one point or another.

This is the kind of guy I want. Just in general. The kind of guy who just says, "tell me what I did so I can just say sorry and you can come back to bed."

Love this. Call me on the bullshit. I'm probably being irrational. Tell me, "you can be mad in the morning".

I want a guy who is not afraid to tell me when I'm being a pain in the ass, but can do so in a way that doesn't make me think he's being a pain in the ass. There's a fine line. He could come off as a jerk. The trick is knowing when I'm being irrational, and when I genuinely have reason to be pissed off. If I'm really pissed off, this may not be the best tactic.

But if he says "Don't leave me alone here. It's cold, baby. Come back to bed"? That is a good start.....

(I'm just sayin')