
Sometimes you just have to resolve yourself to the fact that the universe is trying to tell you something. Some people would call it coincidence, some people would call it fate. I'm starting to think it's just a way to get you to open your eyes.

I woke up this morning and almost immediately had a song in my head. Without You, by the Dixie Chicks. I hadn't heard this song in probably 3 years, so I had no clue why it was plaguing me. While I was in the shower and making coffee (not simultaneously), I couldn't get it out of my head.

I sat down with my English muffin and coffee, and turned on my TV like I do every morning so I can catch the news. The TV had been left on CMT. Guess what video was on!? Of course, I watched the whole thing. (Great song, by the way.)

So I was thinking to myself, "that's a little weird, but not that crazy."

The crazy part came when I got in my car and the radio was on. I always have a CD playing. I'm not a fan of the radio. But last night I went for a drive, and took my CD into the house with me afterward, leaving it on the FM country station. Guess what song was playing?

I just had to admit to myself that for some reason, the universe just wanted me to reconnect with that song. There was something about it that I needed to hear today. I'm not sure what it was, but I'll figure it out.

Fave line? "You made it look so easy / Making love into memories. / I guess you got what you wanted. / But what about me?"