Too Late for a Soliloquy

It's always exciting to hear new music, no matter what. Scratch that. It's always exciting to hear new good music, no matter what.

One of my favourite things that always surprises me is hearing a really great song, and checking out the artist or band and finding out that the rest of the songs are just as good. Sounds can be deceiving. You can hear a song that you like, only to find that the rest of the songs by that artist are completely different.

I heard Apologies by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals about 6 months ago. I was impressed, but kind of moved on and didn't think about it again. The other day I just heard the song in its entirety for the first time and was completely blown away by how good it is. Just...holy smokes. Amazing lyrics, amazing voice, amazing organ (I'm partial to any song with organ).

Thanks to Myspace, which I loathe on most occasions, I was able to check out a few more of their songs. I am at a loss. Why haven't I been listening to these band all along??

It's an interesting thing when you can hear something and it just fits you. When it can give you that feeling of - THIS is what I've been looking for. THIS is what I've needed to hear. I got that the first time I listened to John Mayer's first album. And again when I heard the RH Factor. And again when I found out about Augustana and Kings of Leon and Dave Barnes and Marc Broussard.

That all makes it sound like it's not a rare thing, but it really is. Sometimes it's hard not to take that for granted.