Faith Restored

So my faith in my musical instincts has been restored.

Since I first heard Until You by Dave Barnes, I have fully intended to do a piano ballad arrangement of it, convinced that it would be THE perfect wedding song. It's been in the works (meaning, in my head) for about 2 years. The only people I ever told about this was my sister, and she didn't really care, which is understandable because she's not a music geek like me, and my brother, who was like "yeah! totally would be a great ballad!"

Dave Barnes himself, released an EP of some of his tunes done in a kind of jazzy tone. Until You done as a piano ballad! Crazy!

Just gave me some confidence that I do know what I'm doing and I do have decent ideas. I mean, if the guy who wrote the song does what I've been wanting to do, that's gotta be a good sign, right?

It sounds quite a bit different than what I would do, but it's so good!