Take it Back to '04

As happens a lot, I stumbled upon a song that was released to radio that I had for some reason stopped listening to. For whatever reason, as soon as a song is released to the masses, I find that I get over it pretty quickly.

I think I've mentioned it before; that feeling of having something to myself if a song is unreleased. Like maybe no one else has heard it and it's my secret. I know it's ridiculous, but it's just the way it is. A little crazy and a little hard to explain.

But I was listening to If I Aint Got You by Alicia Keys this morning, and it amazed me. I always knew this was a great song - that's no secret. Great lyrics, simple concept. But I cranked up the volume on my headphones and really listened to it for the first time in probably 4 years.

The piano in this song is just so strong. So well arranged. Not too much, not too little, not too eager. Just perfect. Add in a little organ (really hidden, but adds sooo much), and it's just incredible layering.

And sometimes, with songs like this, I am from the school of 'less is more' with background vocals. I love that the first chorus has none. That, to me, is wonderful. Then when the BGs come in, it hits you even harder.

Bass and piano at 1:37 is mind blowing. I literally listened to that bit a dozen times in a row before moving on.

Just a brilliantly written, brilliantly crafted song. I've had it on repeat for an hour, and I still keep hearing little things I've missed.

That is one of my favourite things about music. No matter how many times you hear a certain song, you can still hear new things. Maybe you heard them before, but you're hearing them differently, or you missed it while you were hearing something else. That intricacy never ceases to make me smile. That is what I love.