A Picture is Worth...Whatever You Want it to be Worth

I'm going to step away for a moment from my regular topic of music (or more apt in recent posts, bragging on Marc Broussard), and focus on one of my other loves: Hockey.

By now, everyone who has ever heard of the sport has probably heard about Sean Avery's latest antics. He's an idiot, yes. But he's also kind of the only player who manages to get himself, and in turn, the sport, featured on the front page of Yahoo.com. Is he bad for the game? Probably. Is the publicity he brings good for the game? Possibly.

But what makes me laugh - literally, laughed out loud this morning - is how a photograph can evoke an emotion. In August, the photos of Avery were all of him in stylish clothes and trendy glasses, attached to stories about how he was interning with Men's Vogue. It actually made it look like he might be a gentleman.

Today, every photo I've seen in the wake of his latest tirade, he's chewing his mouth guard, or he's cross eyed or his jersey is disheveled.

Working in the media, I know exactly how important it is to have the right photo for the right article. It just makes me laugh to see it in other mediums! I almost wonder if the news writers for NHL.com have files on their computers labeled: Good Avery and Bad Avery.

And since everyone else in the universe is voicing their opinions on his future, I will, too: Do I think he's a jackass? Absolutely. Do I think he crossed a line? He is so far past the line, that the line is a dot to him. Do I think the Dallas Stars want to keep him around? No. But I think they are going to have a hell of a time trying to find anyone who wants him and the $4mil contract he carries.

Good luck, Brett Hull.