Marc Broussard is Too Funky for my Office

It's true. If one more person walks by and sees me punching the air along with the horn lines, I'm going to start looking like a geek.

I have followed Marc Broussard for a few years now. I have no idea how or when or where I was the first time I heard him. Probably because I was launched into an amazing music-induced coma. I swear I listened to Carencro on repeat for the better part of three weeks. Then I bought Momentary Setback and I died a little more because of how freaking good he is. I've bought everything he's put out since. And also, spent countless hours searching Youtube for great live videos of him.

His latest album is no step down, that's for damned sure. Talk about blue eyed soul. Everything about this album has been blowing my mind since I bought it. Well, everything save for LeAnn Rimes' guest vocal, which I'm not crazy about. The song is great, just her vocal bugs me, as her vocals are known to do on occasion.

I don't even know how I can describe it. You just don't find albums like this any more. I don't know what to classify it as. Blues/Rock/Funk/Louisiana Soul. That's probably most accurate.

His writing just gets better and better. And he's only 26 freaking years old. Blows me away.

Best lines? "Last few dollars spent impressing you/I got a hair cut and a pair of shoes/Worth it all/Just to get a smile from you/And a kiss or two"

I think this album is going to take me straight through the rest of the year.