
I am a crier. I cry. A lot. At a lot of things. It's therapeutic and wonderful and I love it.

I cry at movies and television. I cry when I'm listening to music, and I cry when I'm reading. It feels good to cry sometimes.

But still, every once in a while, something comes along that makes me cry and catches me off guard.

This weekend, that thing was a McDonald's commercial.

It's no secret to my friends and family that I find something so pure and beautiful about the relationship between a father and a daughter. Perhaps it's because I'm a bit of a daddy's girl myself.

Either way, this commercial had tears falling down my cheeks. 30 seconds, and I was crying.

The fact that hockey is the backbone is just a bonus.

There is little better in the media industry than a clever and well-thought-out ad. I really hope this one wins some awards.