
What's more fun than a new idea? Something new to get your creativity going?

Not much.

You come up with a new idea and all you want to do is share it with everyone you know and let them in on the new love in your life, and you hope they like the idea as much as you do.

I have a new one I'm working on. I'm loving it. But it's turning me into a gin-swilling crazy. That may be an exaggeration. It's just easier to get into the headspace to write the story if I've had a drink. Bad news! Good thing it's only a one parter!

Want a teaser? You know you do...

He doesn't know why he never told her. He could say he never had the chance, but it would be a lie. He had chances. He had plenty.

He didn't take them.

It's easy, really.

I love you. I miss you. I never should have left. You never should have let me.

It's easy. They're just words with honest emotions attached to them, weighing them down so they don't get lost. Easy.

Except it's really, really not.

They were young, then they got a little older, and then that little cocoon that was high school broke apart and sent them on their own. He left, and she stayed, and the little dance they'd done for those last few months of high school came to an abrupt end. Someone cut the music, and they turned their backs on one another and walked away. Or he turned his back on her and walked away.

Or she turned her back and he was too cowardly to make her turn back around.

Whatever it was, whatever happened, he left, and she stayed.

That's the first little bit. What do you think? It's going to be a loooong one parter. I don't know when I'll be finished. We'll see!! I'm excited about it, though. Can't wait to complete it and share.