There Are No Words. But I'll Try.

I wasn't going to weigh in on this. It didn't feel right, considering everyone else in the web world is doing it.

But as I listen to the Bad album, I've changed my mind.

Never again will we have another artist as groundbreaking, culturally relevant, generation-changing as Michael Jackson. Never. No doubt. When someone asks you who has changed music the most, you will answer Elvis, John Lennon, and/or Michael Jackson. No one else even comes close.

MJ changed the world through his art. People should not forget that.

My best friend asked me this morning, "Why is no music like his music?" She meant that to mean - there are so many followers, so many people influenced by him, but no one is like him. No one.

My response? "Vision. Genius. Fearless. And because he's Michael Jackson."

The thing that hits me is, when you listen to his music, it can go from disco, to straight up R&B, to pop, to rock (Dirty Diana anyone?).

MJ did not see limitations. There were no boundaries.

There was just music.