Read the following.

Looking For Alaska is probably - nay, definitely is - the most incredible book I have read in years. (For the record, since The Way The Crow Flies by Anne Marie MacDonald).

It's captivating, entertaining, insightful, beautiful, heartbreaking, morbid, funny, and somehow uplifting. How the author so wonderfully portrays all those things in one story without seeming overeager or leaving any one thought malformed, I'm not entirely sure. But he does it. And he does it with a style that is enviable.

The book is reminiscent of The Catcher In The Rye, which, I am sad to say, I didn't enjoy nearly as much as I felt I was supposed to. Alaska has the same feeling, but...more of it, somehow. I don't know how to describe it any better than to say that I wanted to relate to Holden, but I genuinely did relate to Miles.

There aren't words to describe how wonderful I found this book. I suggest anyone who enjoys reading, read it.

Now I am reading this (and it his hilarious, and I love it):

And after that, I will read this:

It's safe to say I have a new favourite author.

I once read that writers shouldn't read others' work while trying to write their own. To this, I say 'bullocks'. Reading inspires me. Reading a really good book is to a writer what listening to Hendrix is to a guitar player. You read the words and study the structure and try to figure out a way to emulate it, all while using your own voice. You want to keep your own style and your own spirit, but somehow take away bits and pieces of what you love from other people.

I think all art forms are driven at least a little bit by the act of imitation.

One Response to Read the following.

  1. Anonymous says:

    i love looking for alaska just about as much as you do. i read it continually, like it's a favorite record on repeat. and an abundance of katherines is just about as enthralling and fascinating and overall great.
    i LOVE that you found this book!