I Can't Not Watch

When people find out I am an avid American Idol watcher, they're either totally surprised, or not surprised at all. They either think that I have 'better' taste than to watch (which I think is ridiculous. Good music is good music), or they know that whatever shows focus on singing, I'll be watching.

And every year, there's someone that I fall in love with on the show, musically speaking. Whether or not that person goes far - or even makes it to the top 10 - doesn't matter. I always say "If ___ gets kicked off, I'm not watching any more!" But it's always a lie.

This year, I am ALL about Matt Giraud. I've been quiet about it so far, since no one's really asked me about him. I've loved him since his first audition. Then he sang in Hollywood week and blew me, and everyone else, away.

Who's Loving You, Human Nature, So Small, Let's Get It On...All amazing. He hasn't slipped up since the close call with the Coldplay song, which I still didn't really think was that bad.

I swear, the runs he did at the beginning of Who's Loving You, and at the end of Let's Get It On...He should get a record deal based on those runs alone.

He has more natural talent than anyone else on the show this year, hands down. Piano, vocals, performance. He's incredible.

So now, I want him to lose. Come in third or second so he can make a GREAT album instead of the usual watered down American Idol winner debut album with whatever cheesy single they have written by some teenager in Kansas or whatever.

I have a theory that coming in second on American Idol is the best way to kick start you career. But maybe that's a topic for another day.