It's Only Life

So many people say that life is short. Maybe it is.

It doesn't feel like it though, does it?

Maybe it's just me, and I'm totally okay if it is, but life feels really, really big to me. A huge unknown with a million questions that can't be answered and maybe shouldn't be asked. And it's easy to say that it sucks and to think that it sucks, but it only sucks if you let it. It sucks if you can't see a silver lining anywhere or focus on the positives. It sucks if you let yourself think that it sucks.

But you need to laugh and blush and take deep breaths and pray and believe and love and hate (the good way; the passionate way, with reason and explanation and purpose). You need to cry and feel your heart break and then put it back together because that's what it takes to find the one who won't break it again. You need to smile and you need to close your eyes for a second when something hits your heart unexpectedly. You need to sing along with the radio when that song comes on, just because you can't not sing to it. You need to suffer through songs that tear out your heart, because you'll be stronger in the end if you can just get through them. You need to take chances and take risks and scare the hell out of yourself every once in a while. (And maybe let someone else scare the hell out of you every once in a while). You need to write and talk and keep your mouth closed when you don't know what to say. You need to sleep in late and wake up early and drink three cups of coffee instead of two just because you feel like it. You need to find the good and hold onto that and open your heart and let yourself think that you're worth every damn second that you're on this planet and living this life.

Because in the end, none of it matters if it didn't make you feel something.