I've Got Dreams

I very rarely ever remember my dreams. It just doesn't happen often. Maybe (mayyyybe) once every three months, I'll remember something I've dreamed.

Now I've remembered two nights in a row, and they've been shockingly similar. The same person was in both, in completely different situations, but with the same outcome. I honestly don't know what to think about this. Part of me wants to just ignore it and chalk it up to a very emotional week, but I don't know if it's just that.

I tend to get just a little neurotic, especially concerning the unknown. Because as I recall these two dreams, I can't help but wonder if there have been others. Maybe I've been having the variations on the same dream for weeks, or months, or hell, years. Who knows? Not me. That freaks me out. Because what if these dreams mean more than I think they do? I don't necessarily believe in dream interpretation or any of that, but it is really odd, at least for me, to have essentially the same dream - and remember it - two nights in a row.

I really don't want to over think this. But like everything that comes with the particular person in these dreams, I can't help but over think. That's the way it's always been. I'm not sure if that's the way it should always be.